Keeping Kansas City Moving Well: Run, Bike, Swim, Work, Live…

Stay active by eliminating and even proactively preventing injury with Coach Amy's evaluation methods, which are based on principles of biomechanics that pinpoint root cause.

Receive a long-term solution, not a temporary fix.

Work together with Coach Amy to determine your physical therapy goals, and receive a plan of care that is personalized to you.

Experience treatment that is based on a unique combination of Active Release Technique (ART), Neurological Dry Needling (NDN) and Applied Functional Science (AFS) that is specific to your goals.

Run, bike and swim to the finish line with success. Choose a physical therapist that specializes in performance enhancement, injury prevention and treatment of the endurance athlete, like Coach Amy.

Sustainable outcomes in the transformation of movement patterns require exploration and small incremental changes.
— Coach Amy