How Much Does Physical Therapy Cost?

Investing in your Health and Wellness

Physical therapy is an investment in your health and wellness and directly impacts your ability to function and do what you love. 

CoachAmyPT is a physical therapist-owned practice specializing in orthopedic outpatient and sports performance and does not employ students, assistants, trainers, techs, or aids.

To provide you with the maximum quality of care, Coach Amy evaluates and treats all patients 1:1, never overlapping or double-booking. 

Treatment sessions and evaluations can range from $60 to $250 or more depending on several factors. Read the information below to help you plan financially.

Self-Pay Physical Therapy, Wellness, and Sports Performance Patients

CoachAmyPT provides transparent flat-rate pricing for all self-pay services. You can find these on the Schedule Appointment page on the website

The total cost of your care throughout treatment depends on the number of visits needed to achieve your health and wellness goals. This number varies and is unique to each patient, but we will provide a good-faith estimate upon request after an initial evaluation is completed. 

Blue Cross Blue Shield Patients 

CoachAmyPT is in network with Blue Cross Blue Shield and will submit service charges on your behalf as a courtesy. BCBS will adjust these based on in-network rates and apply these toward your deductible. Network rates vary and depend upon your plan. 

Remember that if you have a deductible and have not yet met your deductible, you are responsible for paying the total amount owed. For example, if your bill for physical therapy is $100.00 and BCBS covered it, but you have not yet met your deductible, you will owe CoachAmyPT $100.00. 

Your insurance is a contract between you, your employer, and your insurance company. Contact your insurance company if you have questions about your bill, your plan, and whether you've met your deductible.

Note: CoachAmyPT is exclusively in network with Blue Cross Blue Shield. We are not in-network with Medicare.

You are Worth It

Your ability to move and function in the future is worth the time and money spent with a movement specialist like Coach Amy! We know there is a lot of competition for your time and money regarding health and wellness, and we hope this helps you budget and plan for success. 


Are masks required at CoachAmyPT?


Strength Class with Coach Amy