What is a Physical Therapy Evaluation?

A physical therapy evaluation aims to diagnose function or movement-related problems that underlie your symptoms. Coach Amy will establish a functional diagnosis for you; this is not a medical diagnosis.

An example of a physical therapy diagnosis: "Patient presents with pain in the right foot; symptoms are consistent with plantar fasciitis."

You do not need to go to a doctor when you seek physical therapy. Still, suppose you have a doctor's referral or imaging results with a specific diagnosis. In that case, Coach Amy must evaluate you and determine whether her clinical findings are consistent with that diagnosis. 

As a part of the diagnostic process, Coach Amy will:

  • obtain a relevant history

  • perform a systems review

  • administer specific tests and measures

Your functional diagnosis will guide Coach Amy in determining the most appropriate intervention strategy. If the diagnostic process does not lead to a specific disorder, syndrome, or category, don't worry, she will design a treatment plan of care to alleviate your symptoms, impairments, and activity limitations.

Coach Amy may refer you to other health care professionals for additional testing, such as imaging studies, or if she determines that your diagnosis is outside her scope of practice or expertise. 


Do I need a Doctor Referral for Physical Therapy?


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