The Science Behind High-Intensity Laser Therapy (HILT)

How does high-intensity laser therapy (HILT) help heal various musculoskeletal injuries?

Remember introductory high school science class? Does photosynthesis ring a bell? How about mitochondria and ATP? These concepts are foundational in understanding the science behind HILT. But don't worry if you don't remember! I will explain.

Boosts Cellular Energy

When your body is recovering from an injury, the cells (e.g., muscles and nerves) require energy to build and repair. HILT boosts that cellular energy and activity.

Let's take out a virtual microscope and zoom in on a slice of quadriceps (thigh) muscle. Zoom in further; you will see bundles of skeletal muscle cells that comprise the thigh muscle. Zoom in once more, and inside those muscle cells are mitochondria. These are kidney bean-shaped organelles responsible for creating energy (ATP). See the drawing above.

HILT penetrates the skin and travels deep into the quadricep muscle cells. It stimulates their mitochondria to generate more ATP (energy), so the cell can be more active, allowing them to create the building blocks that repair the muscle; this is just an example of a muscle cell. HILT also increases energy production in other connective tissue cells, including nerves, ligaments, and tendons, in the same way.

Aids in the Transport of Nutrients

Cellular repair requires energy, but we also want to remove waste products caused by the injury and bring needed nutrients to the area so the cells can build new, healthy tissue. HILT dilates blood vessels, increasing blood supply which transports nutrients required for cellular repair, and removes waste products released by the injured tissue.

Enhances Cellular Mobility

Injuries, disease processes, and conditions like frozen shoulder and, often, surgery cause scar tissue to develop; tissue fibers become cross-linked and stiff, interfering with mobility and, ultimately, function. HILT helps release the cross-linked fibers. The result? Muscle, capsular, and ligament relaxation.

HILT is one treatment method and does not stand alone.

HILT is a powerful addition to a well-rounded arsenal of treatment methods, such as manual therapy, dry needling, and applied functional exercises—along with Coach Amy's ongoing evaluation methods based on principles of biomechanics. No treatment offers an effective long-term solution without pinpointing the root cause.

Do you have more questions about HILT?

High-Intensity Laser Therapy FAQs cover everything from what to expect during treatment, how many sessions you may need, how to prepare, and more.

Coach Amy breaks down what HILT is and isn’t in this article: Introducing High-Intensity Laser Therapy at CoachAmyPT.

HILT helps treat conditions from head to toe, including pain syndromes, nerve and joint problems, and muscle and tendon damage. Coach Amy will explain it in an upcoming article: Conditions HILT Helps Treat.


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High-Intensity Laser Therapy - FAQs